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October 5, 2022

On Oct. 8, Plug will join the nation in celebrating National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day to raise awareness of the hydrogen and fuel cell industry, which innovates and provides technologies that are providing clean, reliable, and resilient energy to a range of market sectors, while strengthening the world’s environmental and economic security.   

National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day is observed each year on Oct. 8 (10.08) in recognition of the atomic weight of hydrogen (1.008).  Hydrogen is increasingly being recognized as a component critical to reaching our nation’s decarbonization goals across power, transportation, and industrial uses, all while helping build a next-generation clean energy economy. 

jackpot party casino reviews Today, the hydrogen and fuel cell sector is already making an impact for a long list of customers in power and transportation industries, as well as building a foothold in several emerging hard-to-abate market sectors including long-haul trucking, seasonal energy storage, aviation, marine propulsion, and industrial applications like decarbonized steel, cement, and ammonia.   

At Plug, our employees are honored to support customers around the world with our end-to-end green hydrogen ecosystem that addresses every step of operations from production to transportation to storage and handling to dispensing and using. Plug is committed to supporting global customers as they work to decarbonize their operations.  

The “Road Map to a U.S. Hydrogen Economy” report projects that continued investment in hydrogen will support more than 3 million jobs and $750 billion in revenue by jackpot party casino slots 2050, meeting 14% of total U.S. energy demand and reducing total carbon dioxide emissions by 16%. In the transportation sector alone, hydrogen energy can provide 33% of fuel for heavy trucks and aviation globally and 60% of fuel for marine shipping, helping to reduce U.S. transportation system emissions by 30%. Along with economic and emissions benefits, hydrogen increases the resilience and reliability of the energy sector, at a time when extreme weather-induced power outages are increasingly impacting communities.  

Join Plug in recognizing National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day by sharing these facts on social media. Be sure to tag #NationalHydrogenDay.  

  • The atomic weight of #hydrogen is 1.008 – Join us and celebrate National Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Day today on 10.08! Find out more at www.hydrogenandfuelcellday.org  
  • Did you know that #fuelcells helped NASA go to the moon? Find out more at www.hydrogenandfuelcellday.org  
  • Did you know that by 2050, #hydrogen could create up to 3.4 million jobs and generate $750 billion in annual revenue? Find out more at www.hydrogenandfuelcellday.org 
  • Hydrogen fuel cells are replacing carbon-intensive fuels in the transportation, power, and industrial sectors. By 2050, hydrogen could cut 16% of all U.S. CO2 emissions!  

For more information on National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day, please visit www.hydrogenfuelcellday.org.  

If you want to learn more about what Plug is doing, register for Plug Symposium from Oct. 18 to Oct. 19.