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February 9, 2021

This is PowerSpot, Plug Power’s monthly blog series where we highlight the Plug Power employees who inspire us and, we hope, will inspire you, too. Today, we’re hearing from Aaron Currado, Plug Power’s Global Supplier Quality Manager.

Aaron Currado
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I qualify and develop suppliers to provide components that comply with our Quality Management System and address any non-conformances.

What excites you about hydrogen and fuel cells?

What is most exciting is how hydrogen can be broken down to create energy and how sustainable it is for the environment, having an emission free low carbon footprint. jackpot party casino Never did I imagine I would take part in this type of technology, nor be on the forefront of global change in my career. 

Tell us one of the most extraordinary/unusual experiences you’ve had in your career.

Working as a Project Manager for my last company, which designed and developed vehicle armor for our troops, I had the experience of traveling to Israel to visit our headquarters and see the unique style of living in a Middle East country. What was most extraordinary was being involved with qualifying a key element of technology at Aberdeen Proving Ground, which is the US military base in Maryland. From ballistically testing new technology to taking military vehicles through a 10 mile driving course with various “simulated” obstacles that our troops would encounter in operation, they do it all. 

What excites you about Plug Power’s community involvement?

I recently participated in the Annual Manufacturing Day with New York Manufacturing Extension Partnership, and the Manufacturing Institute across New York with over 200 companies to continue to develop the advanced manufacturing sector in high schools and college programs across the state. As a member of the SUNY Workforce Development and Community Education Advisory Committee, we are developing a statewide Advanced Manufacturing trailer that will travel across the state to provide companies with education opportunities to help entry level workers expand their skills in manufacturing. 

If you could go back and give your 21-year-old self a valuable piece of advice, what would you say?

Believe in yourself jackpot party casino and go with your gut instincts. This will help you develop skills to react to challenges along the way, but remember to be mindful of the people around you.

Do you have a life philosophy?  If so, what is it?

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. Being an active participant in the community and in the music industry, and writing your own story will motivate others around you to do the same thing.

Thank you, Aaron, for being such an important part of the Plug Power team!
