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March 22, 2022

This is PowerSpot, Plug Power’s blog series where we highlight the Plug employees who inspire us and, we hope, will inspire you, too. Today, we’re hearing from Nadia Alvarez, Plug Power’s Recruiting Operations Manager.

Nadia Alvarez

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As part of the HR team, I manage vendor and agency agreements, work on projects to streamline operations for talent acquisition, spearhead Plug’s career fairs, intern programs and more.

Tell us one of the most extraordinary or unusual experiences you’ve had in your career.

My first job out of college, I worked for an Association Management company and planned large professional events and conferences. One executive leadership jackpot party casino game meeting that I put together was in winter in Lake Placid, NY and when I had some down time during the event, I got to go dog sledding on the frozen lake.  It was incredible!

What excites you about building the hydrogen economy?

I have had a personal passion for sustainability for a long time.  When I learned about Plug Power, the opportunity to join a company making a tangible impact on creating a sustainable world was very exciting.  While I’m not able to engineer the solutions myself, the chance to help hire the talent that does motivated me to join Plug.  I believe strongly in creating a greener world and love that I get to combine my personal passion with my career.

What is your favorite movie and why is it at the top of your list?

I love a lot of different movies and tend to pick based on mood, but Under the Tuscan Sun is a classic go-to. I love the character’s story of discovering jackpot party casino free coins and creating an amazing life and family out of a terrible situation. Things take a turn a few times, but ultimately she finds the life she was searching for. I also love her courage to move to a new country and start a new life…it’s something I’ve thought about doing many times.

Do you have a life philosophy?  What is it?

I always try to remind myself that life never gives you more than you can handle and that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.  I’ve faced lots of obstacles personally and professionally, but they’ve made me who I am today and I’m proud of what I’ve done so far.

Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

Music. Like my movie tastes, my music tastes range pretty widely and I often listen to music that moves me based on the day.  I love jazz when I’m cooking, indie and folk music when I’m on jackpot party casino slots a road trip, and when I need a mood booster, some old school 90s RnB or Pop does the trick.

Who is your role model/inspiration?

My mom – she’s wonder woman. She has so much incredible energy that she can run circles around me! As a single mom, she raised my brother and me, while working several jobs and finishing her education. She and I have always been very close, and she is my regular confidant when I need advice.  I get my work ethic from her, and it’s because of her support that I’ve accomplished what I have.

Thank you for sharing yourself with us, Nadia. Plug is proud to have you on our team!