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October 14, 2020

This is PowerSpot, Plug Power’s monthly blog series where we highlight the Plug Power employees who inspire us and, we hope, will inspire you, too. Today, we’re hearing from Sandra Saathoff, Plug Power’s Marketing Communication Manager.jackpot party casino slots

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I work with a team of professionals to tell the story of Plug Power, using words, graphics and events to make our value and accomplishments understandable and exciting to a plethora of audiences.

What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?

Well, the honest answer is that my dog, cat and horses are the motivating factor, as they do insist on being fed. But once I’m up, I am fortunate enough to work with a team that is creating a new way of dealing with energy, directly impacting the health of the planet I live on. Every single day of the 20+ years I have worked with hydrogen and fuel cells has moved the industry forward. And right now is the most exciting time of all, as more and more plans become reality. That’s incredibly motivational.

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

I would fly! This would take out the major fear I have, which is falling from height. I could imagine taking a leap from a hiking trail in the North Cascades and soaring over the valleys below, enjoying the wilderness jackpot party casino game from a different perspective.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

I am very rarely bored. There are so many things I like to do and I’ve found a way to do many of them. I have loved horses my entire life and enjoy riding dressage, focusing on developing the communication that allows me to dance with my horse. I also enjoy backpacking. Friends and I generally plan a couple of longer trips each summer, ranging from 40 to 110 miles long. My dog helps me train for these on our weekly hikes and daily walks. And artwork is a passion that has taken a more central role in my life. During the pandemic, I made it a priority to focus on what I now call “Saturday Afternoon Art” which started when I was stuck at home in the early weeks and now is a habit I enjoy. I find that it changes how jackpot party casino game I look at the world.

Who is your favorite author? Why?

I have many favorite authors, but they all share the ability to weave together a compelling story with exceptional character development. Some of them include Cynthia Voight, JK Rowling, Barbara Kingsolver, Sue Grafton and Rita Mae Brown. Whether the genre is fantasy, mystery, contemporary novel or adolescent fiction, I enjoy losing myself in a world where there is always some kind of life lesson.