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April 15, 2022

This is PowerSpot, Plug Power’s blog series where we highlight the Plug employees who inspire us and, we hope, will inspire you, too. Today, we’re hearing from Stefan Williams, Material Scientist for MEAs and fuel cell stacks in our Spokane, WA office.

jackpot party casino free coins Thanks for spending a few minutes with us, Stefan. jackpot party casino slots explain what you do for a living?

I work to improve the performance and durability of our air-cooled PEM (proton exchange membrane) fuel cells and build the company’s material characterization capabilities.

What excites you about working in the hydrogen and fuel cell industry?

Fuel cells are inherently a multidisciplinary field. The industry offers challenges that require you to consistently learn new things in a practical and applicable setting.

If you could go back and give your 21-year-old self a valuable piece of advice, what would you say?

Wisdom comes from making jackpot party casino slots mistakes; mistakes only happen if you take risks.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Earning my commission as an infantry officer in the US Army, and having my father swear me in.

If you could choose to do any job for a day, what would it be?

I’d be a UPS driver: they get to see all the dogs and can wear those brown shorts to work.

What three non-survival items would you take with you on a deserted island?

Chapstick, a 5-iron, and a change of socks.

Thanks for taking the time with us, Stefan – we’re so thankful to have your scientific mind working to make our products even better!