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July 19, 2023

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America cannot reach our climate or economic goals without clean, domestic hydrogen. Proposals for additionality, deliverability/regionality, and hourly matching are inconsistent with Congress’ jackpot party casino free coins intent via the Inflation Reduction Act to quickly scale the clean hydrogen economy. They would also undercut our economic and emissions goals.

  • Additionality could halt the deployment of clean hydrogen and undercut economic and emission goals.
  • Deliverability/regionality would constrain where clean hydrogen projects would be cost-competitive with fossil fuels.
  • Hourly matching would not be feasible in many locations and would add significant delays and costs.
  • Implementing strict deliverability/regionality and hourly time matching requirements together would have intensely negative and compounding effects. 

America needs clean hydrogen. And clean hydrogen needs jackpot party casino the full extent of the production tax credit (PTC).

Below, you will find the report authored by Plug, along with supporting assets:

  • The Road to Clean Hydrogen: Getting the Rules Right – Report
  • The Road to Clean Hydrogen: Getting the Rules Right – Summary
  • The Road to Clean Hydrogen: Getting the Rules Right – Fact Sheet
  • Plug and 32 Signatories Submit Letter to Biden Administration on Section 45V Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit Implementation – Letter
  • The Road to Clean Hydrogen: Getting the Rules Right – Video